tinywords (sic)

I’ve been so busy hunting for a 9-5 job, I’ve been neglecting my writing. After cleaning my room and applying for “real” jobs today, I decided it was time to get back in the game. However, I’m a bit rusty. After some googling, I came across an online pubication called tinywords, dedicated to bite-size morsels of poetic yumminess. I had one short poem ready to go, so I did some dabbling to create four others. I’ve been such a drone lately, I’d nearly forgotten how exhilirating and freeing writing can be for the soul! I’m glad to be back on the horse, and I don’t plan on finishing this ride anytime soon.

By angelahinkleartist

Poems for Robynne

My sister has been asking me to share some of my poetry with her, so I’ve uploaded a few poems that I know are safe to post online. As my other published poems become free (usually six months to a year after publication), I’ll post those too. I hope you enjoy them, sis! Love you!

By angelahinkleartist

Keep ’em coming!

Score! The fib review (sic) just accepted two more of my poems. Yay! They should be coming out June/July. The fib review caters to poems written according to the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical formula. Each line is a specific number of letters, syllables, or words. I just discovered this particular poetic form last year, but I am having a ball with it!

By angelahinkleartist


Today’s a brand new day! Ok. It’s noon, and it’s half over, but still… I received word today that one of my poems, “To Charm a Midnight Lover,” is going to be appearing in the July issue of Dark Gothic Resurrected. Tres excited. Watch out though; the magazine has been known to contain some erotica, so 18+ only!

By angelahinkleartist

Spring Slacker

I’ve been bad. Very bad. I haven’t done any new writing in the past few days. The worst part is that I made up a poem in my dreams the other night. I can’t remember it to save my life, but I know I loved it! Have you ever tried to force yourself to wake up in the middle of a dream? Sadly, I’m not very good at that particular skill. The poem was lost in the depths (not quite sure how deep) of my unconscious mind. This episode reminds me of a poem called “Midnight Mission” that I wrote for The Leaflet, which is due to come out this spring. I often wake up in the middle of the night to write down a line or two before I lose it forever. It makes me a bit sad to think about all of the art we may have lost because we don’t take the time to stop and capture our thoughts because we’re either too busy or we just don’t think it’s important enough.

By angelahinkleartist

Rejection Stinks

      Hospital Drive rejected my poem, “My Discomfort,” today. C’est la vie. I guess it’s back to the internet to find a publication that can give it a happy home.

I posted some more of my arts & crafts projects today. I feel like it’s going to take me forever to get them all up on this site!

By angelahinkleartist

Hello world!

This is day one of my blog. I won’t be an everyday writer, but I will post as I develop and spawn new pieces of art. Today, I submitted three poems for publication in the fib review (sic). As always, I wait anxiously for a response, fearing rejection (which I’m beginning to become quite acclimated to, if truth be told). Poetry is a tough business. For the reference of those considering poetry as a profession, it’s also not a particulary well-paying business, alas. Yesterday, I received word that the Eunoia Review will be publishing my poem, “Summer Night,” in their August edition. I submitted four poems, but I’m accepted about the fact that Ian (the editor) accepted one. Be on the lookout! 🙂

By angelahinkleartist